Published : January 23, 2007 / New York Post
The Yankees are preparing for Roger Clemens - at least, numerically speaking.
Recently, the club asked All-Star second baseman Robinson Cano to hand over his No. 22 in the event of another Rocket launch in The Bronx, The Post confirmed yesterday.
本報在昨天得到證實...洋基球團商請明星二壘手Robinson Cano讓出他的球衣背號“22", 為"火箭"再度升空做好準備工作
Cano will switch to No. 24, and he's as eager as anyone to see the seven-time Cy Young Award winner in pinstripes again.
Cano的背號將換成24號, 而他也和其他人一樣渴望看到七度奪下Cy Young獎的火箭人再度穿上條紋球衣
Cano's number already has been officially adjusted on the team roster, according to a source.
據消息來源指出, Cano的背號在球員登錄名冊上已經正式地改為24號了
"I was happy to give up the number to a future Hall of Famer if Roger comes aboard," Cano said in a statement. "Hopefully, he will be one of my teammates, I'll have the pleasure of playing with him."
"我很樂意把自己的背號讓給準名人堂選手" Cano在聲明中指出
“希望他最終能選擇加入我們, 能和他並肩作戰將是我莫大的光榮“
Moreover, indications are the Yankees already have relayed Cano's number switch to Clemens' camp - even if the 44-year-old righty has no imminent plans of making a decision of where to pitch in 2007, or whether to retire.
消息來源更指出, 洋基球團早就將讓出22號球衣的訊息傳達給Clemens陣營...即便這位44歲的投手並沒有在近期做出任何決定的打算
"No decision will be made until well after spring training, perhaps until after the season starts," agent Randy Hendricks wrote in an e-mail yesterday.
“在春訓結束之前, 火箭人都沒有做出決定的打算...甚至有可能要到球季開打後才會拍板定案“
經紀人Randy Hendricks在email中這麼回應
To preemptively ask a budding cornerstone to switch numbers indicates that the club must feel it has a strong likelihood of signing Clemens, a Yankee from 1999-2003. He wore the No. 22 after wearing No. 21 in Boston and Toronto.
在合約簽妥前就要求一位球隊中的明日之星讓出背號, 這顯示洋基對於簽下曾於1999-2003球季效力於球隊的Clemens感到相當有信心。Clemens在效力洋基時身穿22號球衣, 而之前效力於紅襪及藍鳥時則是身穿21號球衣
In 1999 in The Bronx, Paul O'Neill wore No. 21. There won't be a similar problem when this season begins.
當火箭人於1999年球季加入洋基時, 21號是屬於Paul O'Neill的, 因此火箭人只有選擇22號球衣, 不過這次的情況看來, 只要他願意回到紐約, 背號將完全不是問題
Cano, who had a terrific second half after returning from a hamstring injury, already had revealed himself as a selfless team player. Last winter, before the Yanks signed Johnny Damon, he volunteered to play center field if the club wanted.
在去年下半球季重回球隊後有著怪獸般表現的Cano, 早就已經顯露出他是個以球隊為重的球員, 在洋基簽下Johnny Damon前, Cano曾向球隊表示, 如果球隊需要, 他自願扛起中外野的守備
According to a published report, MLB next week will officially announce the Yankees will host the 2008 All-Star Game. A press conference is expected a week from today. The announcement has been expected for some time.
根據報導指出, MLB將在下週二的記者會上正式宣佈2008年明星賽將假洋基球場舉辦