在What's Hot in NYC_28中
我曾經提到FOX 5晚間新聞做了一個針對各主要早餐咖啡提供者的咖啡評比
列入評比的包括McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts, Burger King和Starbucks
最後的贏家竟然是有點讓人跌破眼鏡的Golden Arches...
(再次強調...我可是McDonald's Premium Roast的支持者...)
在今天的New York Post中又讀到類似的文章
不過這次可不是FOX 5那種取樣人數不知道有沒有超過十人的調查
而是權威雜誌Consumer Reports的評比
但是Premium Roast再度過關斬將拿下榜首
"decent and moderately strong" with "no flaws," although "it lacked the subtle top notes needed to make it rise and shine." _ Consumer Reports
於是這篇名為Best in Joe的文章
不過這份名單竟然沒有列出我最愛的Porto Rico Importing Co.
請注意網頁右下角...現在多了一個NYC Cafe'的連結串
Best in Joe
By Cynthia Kilian
Published : February 7, 2007 / New York Post
The world of caffeine got a jolt last week when Consumer Reports tested Starbucks coffee against fast-food chains' lowly joe and the winner was ... McDonald's. Beating out Burger King and Dunkin' Donuts along with the ubiquitous Seattle swill, the Golden Arches serves a brew that's - according to CR - "decent and moderately strong" with "no flaws," although "it lacked the subtle top notes needed to make it rise and shine."
Memo to Consumer Reports: It lacks those notes because it's a fast-food cup of coffee.
For a real kick, New Yorkers know you can't rely on a burger chain.
So with the help of local connoisseurs and experts, we went trolling for the truly best coffee in town - one with smooth, rich coffee flavor and no bitterness or burnt taste, a cup you can really wake up and smell.
Andrew Dornenburg, co-author with Karen Page of the much-praised "What to Drink With What You Eat," confesses to being a "recovering coffee-holic" who is "down to three large cups a day."
And if he's lucky, they come from Amy's Bread, which serves full-bodied, low-acid brews, he says.
Dornenburg admits to occasionally hitting McDonald's for a quick fix - "it's pretty good," he says - but you'll never catch him on line at a cart or a big chain, where coffee often has a burnt or metallic taste from being brewed too hot, held too long or made in metal pots.
Even on these eyeball-freezing days, Kara Newman asks for iced coffee. And 71 Irving Place in Gramercy makes "hands down the best," says the local scribe for Fresh Cup, the Portland, Ore.-based bible of the coffee trade.
"I'm a bit fanatical about my iced mochas. Starting with good-quality, well-brewed espresso is very important - and something 71 Irving does particularly well," says Newman, who thinks heat and aroma can mask inferior coffee while cold coffee shows off the range of flavors.
At least twice daily, you'll find Peter Kane, general manager of the Stanton Social, at Ini Ani on Stanton Street getting a large, "rich but not bitter" jolt with steamed milk. Financier Patisserie at Cedar and William streets is the choice of Aldo Sohm, beverage director for Blaue Gans, Wallse and Café Sabarsky, who last week was selected America's top sommelier by the American Sommelier Association. For restaurateur Donatella Arpaia, the espresso and cappuccino at Bouchon Bakery in the Time Warner Center does the trick.
And when Norman Kornbleuth, owner of Broadway Panhandler in the Village, craves a cup, he swings by the MUD Truck on Astor Place.
"Not only is their coffee hot and strong, but I like to support other local, independent companies," he says. So do the legions of others hooked on MUD's smooth, cocoa-rich taste and caffeine punch.
Out of the vats of above-average joe, these cups are the city's tops.
250 Bleecker St., between Carmine & LeRoy streets; (212) 675-7802
Chelsea Market, 75 Ninth Ave., between 15th & 16th streets; (212) 462-4338
672 Ninth Ave., between 46th & 47th streets; (212) 977-2670
Medium cup (12 ounces): $1.50
The Buzz: Amy Scherber's blend "is full-bodied with not too much acid," says food author Andrew Dornenburg. "It stands up to the big slug of milk I invariably pour in." Scherber uses a mix of Colombian, French roast and Sumatran called Oren's Special Blend from Oren's Roast, paying close attention to details such as not brewing it too hot.
71 Irving Place, between 18th & 19th streets; (212) 995-5252
Medium cup (12 ounces): $2
The Buzz: The espresso Kara Newman praises is made from a four-bean blend - Guatemalan Antiguan, Brazilian santos, Indonesian Sumatran and Java - roasted upstate at 71 Irving Place's own company, Irving Farms, which supplies all the coffee served here. The house blend mixes Nicaraguan and Sumatran.
Astor Place, Fourth Avenue and Eighth Street (and other locations); (212) 228-9074, Mudnyc.com
Small (10 ounces) $1, large (16 ounces) $2
The Buzz: A smooth, rich blend of beans spanning the globe from Central and South America to Africa and Brazil, served with steamed milk and good humor from an independent company formed in answer to Starbucks. A medium-to-dark roast with a hint of cherries and cocoa and a big dose of caffeine.
- Feb 08 Thu 2007 05:59
NYC Best Cafe' 寶座誰屬...Best in Joe