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A-Rod Says He’s Finally in a New York state of Mind

Published : July 10, 1007 / New York Post

Alex Rodriguez is at peace with himself and New York. Whether he opts out or not, A-Rod has earned his Pinstripes. 
現在的A-Rod相當享受在紐約的生活, 不管在今年球季結束之後他是否選擇放棄目前的合約, 他都已經為自己贏得穿著條紋球衣的資格了。

“It took me a while to kind of get used to New York a little bit. I kept banging my head into the wall for three years, and after a while I stopped,’’ the Yankees All-Star third baseman said yesterday. “At this point I’m at peace with myself.’’ 
"我花了好一段時間才真正習慣紐約, 過去三年我每天都想盡辦法要強迫自己融入這個城市, 就在突然間, 我發現自己不再需要這麼做了, " 這位洋基的明星三壘手在昨天這麼說道 

Asked what he meant by banging his head against the wall, Rodriguez said, “It takes people a year or two years to get used to New York. For me, it’s taken three or four years. You tried things one way and then you figure out this way is a little more comfortable. 
問他究竟他花了多大的努力想要融入這個城市, 他回答道,
"一般人大概要花上一兩年習慣這裡的生活, 對我來說, 則花去了三到四年的時間, 我曾經試著用其他方式強迫自己盡快適應, 不過現在我發現了更為適合自己的方法。"

“You can always live and learn. Next year hopefully I learn from this year. You’re always going to make mistakes, I think part of it is acknowledging your mistakes and moving forward and being a little bit more honest with yourself and with people that cover you on a daily basis. That’s part of the recipe.’’ 
"學無止境, 我希望明年的自己能從今年的經驗中學到更多, 人總會犯錯, 真正重要的是你有沒有在錯誤中學習, 進而成長。現在的我學會誠實面對自己, 也更坦然地面對旁人的眼光。"

Now that he has learned to live with New York, would it be difficult to leave? 
好不容易才找到在紐約生存的方法, 這會讓他更加眷戀這個城市而不願離開嗎?

“I love New York and I’ve always said that,’’ he noted. “I know there is a lot speculation going on, but New York is a special place. I think it brings out the best in you and again, it’s taken me three years, it hasn’t been easy. I’ve struggled, I’ve struggled with you guys, I’ve struggled on the field, but I’m in a good place right now.’’ 
"我一直不斷地表示我深愛著這個城市," 他說道
"我知道大家對我的動向有著許多揣測, 不過紐約對我而言是個非常特殊的城市, 它總能想辦法激出你所有的潛力, 不過這個過程花了我整整三年的時間, 而且著實不是個輕鬆的過程。我曾經十分掙扎, 無論是和記者的互動, 或是球場上的表現都是一樣, 但是我想我現在找到了一個絕佳的平衡。"

A-Rod said he has no regrets about New York. Mr. Back and Front Page is learning do deal with it all. And the key is doing it his way. 
A-Rod表示他並不後悔來到紐約, 這個媒體寵兒正學著讓自己融入環境之中, 而重點就在於...找到最適合自己的切入點。

“New York brings out the best in you,’’ he said. “If you are able to look in the mirror and be honest with yourself, I think (New York) makes you better. 
"這個城市能夠激發你所有的潛力," 他說道
"只要你能學會忠於自己, 我想紐約這個環境會讓你更加成功。"

"What feels great is coming up to the plate now and getting cheered by the New York fans, that feels really cool,’’ Rodriguez said. “I can sit here and say it doesn’t mean anything or I can’t hear them, but that’s a bunch of BS.’’ 
"最讓我感到興奮的, 就是在你準備出場打擊時, 聽到紐約球迷為你歡呼的一刻, 那感覺真是太棒了,"
A-Rod說道 "我當然可以跟你說...球迷的歡呼對我來說並不重要, 我也完全沒有聽進耳中...但事實並非如此。"

A-Rod hears you. He loves the cheers, especially since it’s been hard for him to earn them from the Yankees crowd. 
對於球迷的反應, A-Rod都聽在耳裡。 他喜歡受到球迷的愛戴, 尤其是在經歷過去那段飽受噓聲的日子之後。

“You just feel you are going to do something well because they’re expecting it, you’re expecting it,’’ he said of those cheers. 
"(聽到球迷的歡呼後,) 你就感覺自己會有更好的表現, 球迷期待你能做出貢獻, 而你也會如此期待自己。"

“It takes time in New York, nothing comes easy. New York is not just going to hand you the reins without you earning it. I still have work to do. I’m enjoying the work, but one thing, through good or bad, I never sat here and complained and cried and wanted out. I had many opportunities where I could have gone many places and I constantly told the team, the city, you guys that I wanted to stay and I stick by that.’’ 
"在紐約, 沒有所謂的不勞而獲, 只有靠你自己的努力, 你才能贏得這個城市對你的尊敬, 而我也還有好長一段路要走。我很樂於工作, 不過最關鍵的還是在於, 無論狀況是好是壞, 我從來不會只是坐著抱怨、哭泣或是吵著要放棄。有太多機會在紐約之外的城市等著我, 不過我始終對球團、對這個城市的人民、對你們這些記者強調, 我想要留在紐約, 而我也不會食言。"

A-Rod did not run and hide. He made himself a better ballplayer. 
從不逃避的A-Rod, 讓自己成了一個更傑出的球員。

“I can’t control what people think, what people write, all I can control is what I do, I figure my best answer is playing good baseball and doing it on the field and not really concern myself with what people are saying or writing,’’ he said. 
"我不能控制別人對我的看法, 也無法干涉記者如何寫我, 我所能夠做的, 就是打好球, 用球場上的成績來做出回應, 不讓輿論影響我的表現。" 他說道

“I’ve had situations this year that I probably would have tried to explain myself, and try to be honest, and figure out this or that, you just figure out that is not the way to go. The way to go is to go out and play baseball and kind of put this in a box over here, deal with it and move forward. There’s no need to explain myself to any of you guys, that’s been a big key for me.’’
"在今年球季中所發生的某些事件, 也曾經讓我試著想解釋、想對大眾坦承自己的想法, 不過最後我發現這不是解決問題的方法, 我所應該做的是上場打球、交出好的成績然後把那些事件拋諸腦後。沒有必要試著就每件事向大眾解釋清楚, 這是讓我有所成長的關鍵。"

So, can he play this game for another 10 years, putting up with everything while putting up incredible numbers? “That’s a good question,’’ he said. “I don’t know.’’
被問到他是否能在接下來的十年中, 在自我成長的同時也繼續交出驚人的成績單?

"這是個好問題..." A-Rod答道


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